Barney Lipscomb (Botanical Research Institute of Texas Press, Fort Worth, Texas, USA)

A. de Carvalho Junior & J.F. Hennen. 2023. Illustrated Genera of Rust Fungi of Brazil. Botanical Research Institute of Texas Press, U.S.A.

Even though this book is not specifically about the Fabaceae, it includes numerous references to the family as hosts of rust fungi. “Illustrated Genera of Rust Fungi of Brazil” presents up-to-date information about the genera of rusts fungi known for Brazil. Included are 65 plates of detailed black and white photos representing 62 genera, many of which infect legumes. This number represents approximately one-half of all of the known genera of rust fungi in the world. Results are based on many large scale surveys and field collecting expeditions in Brazil and supplemented with herbarium records. The largest portion of this book is the descriptive flora of the 62 genera, i.e., descriptions, and taxonomic treatments of rust fungi genera, arranged alphabetically by genera and species. Sixty-one genera are treated as holomorphs and 13 as anamorph genera. The most important practical results of taxonomic research on these parasitic and pathogenic rust fungi are products such as complete descriptions and illustrations of symptoms and signs, and other aids such as host indices and keys. These products help scientists and students to identify species of rusts. This book is aimed at students and professionals who are fascinated with rusts and their pathogenic fungi.

Anibal de Carvalho Junior holds an undergraduate degree in biology from Universidade São Judas Tadeu, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 1989. His Ph.D. in Agronomy (Agriculture) is from the Universidade Esdadual Paulista, Botucatu, SP, Brazil, 2001. He has conducted post doctoral work at the Biological Institute of São Paulo. He began working at RB herbarium, Instituto de Pesquisa Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil (IPJBRJ) in 2002. Early in his career, he worked as a laboratory technician at Victoria Rossetti Fungarium (IBI) in the Biological Institute of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. He has published numerous scientific articles and books, mainly focused on rust fungi (Pucciniales, Uredinales). His current research interest include Basidiomycetes (Pucciniales), phytopathology, herbaria (collection management), and Biodiversity of the Cerrado and Atlantic forests.

Joe F. Hennen received his B.S. at Southern Methodist University. He holds an M.S. (1952) and Ph.D. (1954) from Purdue University. From 1954 to 1958 he was plant pathologist of cereal crops at South Dakota State University. From 1958 to 1968, he taught undergraduate botany courses at Indiana State University before returning to Purdue University as Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology and Curator in 1968. Three years later in 1971, he became Director of the PUR Herbarium. He has explored and collected from several regions of the United States, Central America, and specially Mexico and Brazil, focusing on the taxonomy of Neotropical rust fungi. In 1995, Hennen retired from Purdue University and move to Texas, were he became a Resident Research Associate at Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth. He has authored and co-authored many scientific articles and books on rust fungi, always in partnership with students and collaborators.

To purchase your copy of the “Illustrated Genera of Rust Fungi of Brazil”, visit or call 817-332-4441 ext. 264. The price is $40.00, plus shipping. This is print on demand, please allow 3-5 weeks for delivery.

ISBN-13: 978-1-889878-78-2
Publication Date: 1 May 2023 (SBM 63)
Specifications: 7”×10” (HBK), 148 pp, 71 b/w figs, distribution maps, references, index